CV Upload

Add your CV to our database. We will review it and when a suitable role arises we will consider you for the position

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CV Upload

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Do you confirm that you have read the job description and that your current skills, experience and/or qualifications fully matches the requirements for this role?
Are you current employed within the Broll Property Group?
Are you related to anyone within the Broll Property Group or its affiliations? (Immediate or extended family) - Please provide relation if you do?
Are you currently employed?
If employed, where are you currently employed and in which role?
What is your current monthly cost to company (gross salary)? (PLEASE ENSURE YOU CAPTURE ACCURATE INFORMATION)
What are your salary expectations for this role?
Is your expected salary negotiable? (PLEASE PROVIDE A SALARY RANGE FOR THE EXPECTATION)
Where do you currently reside?
If this role is currently not close to where you are residing, are you willing to relocate at own cost?
How long is your notice period / availability?
Please provide a brief motivation (less than 150 words) on your current skills & experience and why you would be a fit for this role (REQUIRED)
Do you confirm that all information provided is up to date, true and correct?

By submiting your application, you're accepting our terms and conditions